Frequently Asked Questions
What does faith-based center mean?
Crèche Academy is a faith-based center. This simply means we allow God and faith in the building. Each day we will say the Pledge of Allegiance and say a small prayer poem before lunch. Although Christian values are at the heart of our center, we respect and honor all families and diversities regardless of religion.
What does Crèche mean?
1. A representation of Mary, Joseph and others around the crib of Jesus in the stable at Bethlehem.
2. A day-care center; day nursery.
3. An assemblage of dependent young that are cared for communally.
What are your hours?
Crèche Academy is open weekdays, 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
When can you enroll your child?
NOW! Contact us at 785-484-3100 or info@crecheacademy.com to schedule a tour. Click here for a Pre-Enrollment Form.
Do you offer part-time care?
We will evaluate the need If there is availability to accommodate a part-time opening.
What is your policy regarding vaccinations?
Crèche Academy will follow the state of Kansas guidelines. All vaccinations are highly recommended, if your child doesn’t have certain vaccinations, a waiver form provided from the state must be filled out.
What is your policy regarding illness?
Your child must be fever-free without the use of fever medication for at least 24 hours.
What is your policy regarding closing due to weather-related conditions?
We follow Jefferson West USD 340’s closings related to weather unless otherwise stated. If the school is closed or closing early due to inclement weather and we opt to stay open, parents will be notified.